How to edit the Landing Page in Sngine?

Simply if you want to edit the landing page of Sngine You can simply change anything related to the index page from this template (HTML) file content/themes/default/templates/index.landing.tpl And the images you can find here: content/themes/default/images/landing/ That’s it. Happy Sngine 🙂 Buy Sngine or Extend your support:

How to Add new Emojis?

Sngine Use Twemoji-Amazing which like FontAwesome but for emojis That based on the Twitter Open Source Emojis or Twemojis Which is totally FREE and has thousands of emojis that you can use Twemoji-Amazing uses Emoji.json as its source of codepoints and descriptions. To find an emoji of Read more…

SEO in Sngine

Sngine The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform is very optimized for search engine to get better results for SEO. Sngine using friendly-URLs like in posts, articles, forums …etc. Examples: Also Sngine change open graph meta tags automatically according to page content like og:title, og:description and og:image so Read more…

Forums in Sngine

From Sngine version 2.5.2 we added forums feature. From admin panel you manage your forums, admin can enable or disable it also can enable/disable Online Users and Statistics After that you can add new forum, admin can set the new forum as a section (main section) Main section don’t accept any Read more…