Sngine 2.5.4 Release!

Our Sngine team is so pleased to announce the release of Sngine 2.5.4! With some improvements, bug fixes, and updates. Sngine 2.5.4 Release Notes: – [Updated] Documentation– [Updated] System Security– [Updated] System Optimization– [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|Embed|HybridAuth|Smarty|Stripe|Twilio]– [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [autosize|bootstrap.colorpicker|codemirror|datatables|mediaelement|metismenu|moment|tinymce]– [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Font-Awesome] – [Added] Secured Read more…

Sngine 2.5.3 Release!

Our Sngine team is so pleased to announce the release of Sngine 2.5.3! With some improvements, bug fixes, and updates. Sngine 2.5.3 Release Notes: – [Updated] Documentation– [Updated] System Security– [Updated] System Optimization– [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|Embed|HybridAuth|PayPal|PHPMailer|Stripe|Twilio]– [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [jQuery|dataTables|mediaelement|metisMenu|moment|noty|tinymce]– [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Font-Awesome|Flag-Icon] – [Added] Advanced Read more…