Sngine comes with very advanced feature called the Pro Packages system that you can use as a subscriptions system or upgrade plans for your users if your network registration is free for every one.

User with a pro package can boost his posts and pages so anyone on the network can see it as a promoted posts or pages.

Also you can give the pro users some advantage to use your system features like Live Stream, Audio/Video Calls and a lot …

To enable the Pro Packages system, Go to admin panel Pro System

Also you can set the Registration Type and make only for Subscriptions Only of Pro Packages

Then you need to configure the payments settings, You can setup payments with PayPal and/or Stripe and a lot more also you can change the system currency from 20+ currencies

Go to Admin Panel -> Payments Settings

Check the docs to learn how to integrate Sngine with PayPal or Stripe … etc

Now you need to add some packages, Go to Admin Panel -> Pro Packages

Sngine gives your the FREEDOM to suite the package as you want not with static packages, so you can add as many as packages as you want and you can change the package name, price, period, icon, number of boosted posts and pages.

Sngine consider every package as custom user group with custom permission and you can manage these permissions from Admin Panel -> Permissions Groups

Now you are done and the PRO Packages system will be shown to your users after registration if you select the registration type as Subscriptions Only as a registration step.

If you select the registration type as FREE so your users can upgrade to pro packages as optional packages from the top user menu.

Users can change the package anytime, Admin can boost any post/page anytime with no need to buy a package.

Note: When you test Pro Packages system, test it with regular account not with admin account, Admin can boost any post/page with no need to buy a package.


When a person boosts a post how long does the boost last?

Boosted post/page will be boosted till user who boosted it his package expired and login again

If his package expired and he didn’t login it will remain boosted

So there is a garbage collector to Sngine will remove any boosted content and end any expired user package

So you can run it from time to time to remove any boosted post/page with expired package or expire the package itself for the user who didn’t login yet

That’s it.

Happy Sngine 🙂

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