Simply Go to your AWS Console and select the CloudFront service and follow the following steps

The Origin domain = Your S3 Bucket

Wait till deploying finished and then copy the new distribution domain name

Note: Incase you have CORS policy issue you will need to edit the Update CloudFront Distribution Behavior

Open the CloudFront Console:

  • Go to the AWS Management Console and open the CloudFront console.

Select Distribution:

  • Choose the CloudFront distribution you are using.

Edit Behaviors:

  • Go to the “Behaviors” tab and edit the behavior that corresponds to the path you are serving.

Forward Headers:

  • In the behavior settings, under the “Cache Key and Origin Requests” section, select “Origin Request Policy” and then “Create Origin Request Policy” if you don’t have one already.
  • In the “Headers” section of the origin request policy, make sure to include the Origin header.

Save Changes.

That’s it.

Happy Sngine 🙂

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