Our Sngine team is so pleased to announce the release of Sngine 3.1! With some improvements, bug fixes, and updates.
Sngine 3.1 Release Notes:
- [Updated] Documentation
- [Updated] System Security
- [Updated] System Optimization
- [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|Embed|GettextTranslator|HybridAuth|MobileDetect|PHPMailer|SimpleImage|Smarty|Spaces|Stripe|Twilio]
- [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [autosize|bootstrap.colorpicker|codemirror|easytimer|mustache|tagify|tinymce]
- [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Font-Awesome]
- [Added] Add Button in Header
- [Added] Funding System
- [Added] Paystack Payments
- [Added] Msg91 SMS Gateway
- [Added] Stories Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
- [Added] Ads Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
- [Added] Audio Calls Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
- [Added] Video Calls Permission (Only Admins, Only Admins and Pro User or Everyone) [Admin Panel]
- [Added] View All Posts Option [Admin Panel]
- [Added] Invite by Phone Number
- [Added] Share Posts from Public Groups
- [Added] Share Posts from Public Events
- [Added] Edit Name Minimum Length [Admin Panel]
- [Added] Change Modules Descriptions from Admin Panel [Admin Panel]
- [Added] Hide Banned Users from Search Results
- [Added] Hide Banned Users from Friends, Followings & Followers List
- [Added] Hide Banned User’s Posts
- [Added] Display Package Name when hover on Pro Badge
- [Added] Honeypot Check to stop Spammers
- [Fixed] Remove Location Permission [Android App]
- [Fixed] Google login issue [Android App]
- [Fixed] Event’s date Translation
- [Fixed] OneSignal Push Notifications
- [Fixed] URL in user first|last name
- [Fixed] Youtube scaper height
- [Fixed] Genders Translation
- [Fixed] Theme must be enabled to work as default theme
- [Fixed] Chat issue when with blocked user
- [Fixed] Minor Bugs
From everyone here at the Sngine team, thank you for your enduring support and we really hope you love this update as much as we do!
That’s it.
Happy Sngine 🙂
Buy Sngine or Extend your support: https://bit.ly/BuySngine