Our Sngine team is so pleased to announce the release of Sngine 2.5.6! With some improvements, bug fixes, and updates.
Sngine 2.5.6 Release Notes:
- [Updated] Documentation
- [Updated] System Security
- [Updated] System Optimization
- [Updated] Sngine Libs [AWS|Embed|HybridAuth|PHPMailer|ReCaptcha|Smarty|Stripe|Twilio]
- [Updated] Sngine JS Dependencies [mustache|bootstrap.select|codemirror|metismenu|moment|readmore|tinymce]
- [Updated] Sngine CSS Dependencies [Font-Awesome]
- [Added] Delete Uploaded (Photos, Video, Audio, File) after deleting posts
- [Added] Fake User Generator
- [Added] Verification Attachments for Users
- [Added] Verification Attachments for Pages
- [Added] Admin ability to turn Two-Factor Authentication On/Off
- [Added] Two-Factor Authentication via Email & Phone
- [Added] Two-Factor Authentication via Google Authenticator App
- [Added] New verification system for email & phone number
- [Added] Twitter Card Meta Tags
- [Added] Popular Posts
- [Added] Last Played Time in Games
- [Added] Use CDN for Bootstrap, FontAwesome & jQuery files
- [Added] Added Server Side Pager to Users in Admin Panel
- [Added] All AWS S3 Regions (10+ New Regions)
- [Added] robots.txt file
- [Added] Progress Bar for all uploadings
- [Added] Keyboard Shortcuts to scroll between posts
- [Added] New Publisher
- [Added] GIFs Support by Giphy in Publisher
- [Added] Admin ability to turn Giphy support in publisher On/Off
- [Added] Auto Ad-block Detector
- [Added] Admin ability to turn Auto Ad-block Detector On/Off
- [Added] Auto Ad-block Warning Message in admin panel ads control
- [Added] Auto Ad-block Warning Message in user ads manager
- [Added] New Stories System
- [Added] New Stories Publisher
- [Added] Videos in Stories
- [Added] New Product Publisher
- [Added] Product Status New or Old
- [Added] Product Price can be 0 or Free Product
- [Added] Edit button when edit post from mobile
- [Added] Edit button when edit comment/reply from mobile
- [Added] New Album (Add Photos) Publisher
- [Added] Turn Post Commenting On/Off
- [Added] Share Affiliates link
- [Added] Share post to Whatsapp
- [Added] Admin ability to change user points balance
- [Added] Admin ability to turn Points System on/off
- [Added] Points System
- [Added] Ads in Movies
- [Added] Admin ability to turn Movies System on/off
- [Added] Movies System
- [Added] Find Friends by location
- [Added] Changelog to admin panel
- [Fixed] Multiple stories for same user in same day
- [Fixed] Reposition cover photo on mobile
- [Fixed] _emoji-menu tabs in chat
- [Fixed] Post Privacy in Publisher
- [Fixed] Delete stories images in Publisher
- [Fixed] Publisher submit disabled while link scraping
- [Fixed] Open “Edit Post” several times
- [Fixed] Forum Thread Views Count
- [Fixed] Getting notifications from deleted users
- [Fixed] All Reported Bugs
From everyone here at the Sngine team, thank you for your enduring support and we really hope you love this update as much as we do!
That’s it.
Happy Sngine 🙂
Buy Sngine or Extend your support: https://bit.ly/BuySngine